Your Small Business Legal Plan can help with any business legal matter and provides access to legal consultation, document and contract review, debt collection letters, legal forms, and other features.
Consultation on unlimited matters concerning your business; with up to 1 hour of legal research per matter, including issues like patents, copyright, immigration, trademarks, document & contract review, and debt collection.
LegalShield has been offering legal plans to our members for more than 48 years, creating a world where everyone can access legal protection—and everyone can afford it. Unexpected legal questions arise every day and with LegalShield on your side, you’ll have access to a quality law firm 24/7, for covered personal situations.
A low monthly fee gets you a ton of legal services you can use for common issues your business faces every day.
Connect with GENE SARMIENTO at (510) 415-1871 to learn more.
LegalShield – Gene Sarmiento, Independent Associate
6516 Monona Drive #211
Monona, WI 53716