For Immediate Release
Contact Bryan Gadow, City Administrator
The Monona Police and Fire Commission is proud to announce the hiring of Brian M. Chaney Austin as Monona’s new Police Chief. The approval was made during a special meeting of the Police and Fire Commission on May 10th. Mr. Chaney Austin has nineteen (19) years of law enforcement experience with the City of Madison Police Department, most recently serving as Captain of Police for Traffic and Specialized Services since 2018. Mr. Chaney Austin has a Bachelor of Arts degree in criminal justice from Illinois State.
Following the retirement of Monona’s former Police Chief, Walter Ostrenga, in December 2020, the City of Monona’s Police and Fire Commission initiated a recruitment process to select Monona’s next Chief. The Police and Fire Commission was assisted in this process by the recruitment consulting firm, GovHR USA, and the Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership. As part of this process, a community input meeting was held on February 9th, and a community feedback survey conducted to assist the Commission in identifying key characteristics, skills, and traits of an ideal candidate. A total of 24 candidates applied for the position, and GovHR and the Police and FireCommission narrowed the applicant pool to four finalist candidates. Two candidateswithdrew from the process due to accepting another position and for family reasons,respectively. The remaining two finalists participated in a community engagement event with members of the public, the Police and Fire Commission, GovHR, and the Nehemiah Center on May 6th, followed by a final interview with the Police & Fire Commission on May 10th.
Chief Chaney Austin will start employment on June 1, 2021. “It is an honor to serve as your next Police Chief. I am eager to join the team of wonderful employees here at the City of Monona”, said Mr. Chaney Austin. “I am especially grateful for the trust bestowed upon me to lead the exceptionally talented and dedicated team of officers, dispatchers and staff of the Monona Police Department.” “I look forward to contributing to our mission in working together to create a safe and equitable place for all to live, work, and recreate here in the City of Monona.”
The Police and Fire Commission would like to thank the community for their involvement in this recruitment process and looks forward to having Chief Chaney Austin bring his energy and innovative thinking to lead the Department. The Commission would also like to sincerely thank Interim Chief/Lieutenant Sara Deuman for her dedicated leadership of the Police Department during this transitional period.