(608) 416-1610

Educate the community

Host a webinar or workshop

Pro Files

Educate the community

Pro Files

Pro Files

MESBA is proud to introduce Pro Files, an option geared towards our Business and Professional Services Members. This is a FREE benefit.

If you’re interested in offering an educational seminar or workshop to our members and those in the community, where you can connect with new potential clients to share your message, MESBA can help make this happen!

  • 9Pick a topic that will resonate with a target market based on your profession
  • 9Put together a 30-45-minute presentation
  • 9MESBA will promote your webinar via social media channels, e-newsletter, and website
  • 9MESBA will also help facilitate the webinar for you

This will be a win-win! You can reach a new audience to gain new leads, and participants will come away more informed.

Contact us to get this process started, or if you have any questions!

Thank you to our sponsor