(608) 416-1610

Madison Area Jugglers present…

The 47th Annual Madfest Juggling Extravaganza

Mark Hayward – Comedy Yo-yo Man, and the MC – www.markhayward.net
Forward Marching Band – 30-piece activist street band: www.forwardband.org/

Galen Harp – Performance Art Juggler and World champion: www.jugglology.com/
Mark Fiore – Professional Juggler: www.markfiorejuggles.com/
Luther Bangert – Juggler, Mover, Artist: www.lutherbangert.com/
Fox Valley Fire Arts- www.foxvalleyfirearts.com/

Scotty and Trink- Comedy and juggling, unicycling and bad judgment: scottyandtrink.com/


$20 Advance Tickets / $25 Day of Show
Event Details

About Madison Area Jugglers: Welcome to the Madison Area Jugglers! We are a juggling club based in Madison Wisconsin. If you are interested in juggling, unicycling, other object manipulation, balance, or performance skills, please stop by and join us. We’d love to meet you! The Madison Area Jugglers is open to everyone. We are a very informal group, with no dues, membership restrictions, age requirements, or attendance records. In other words, we’re just a bunch of folks who like to get together and throw things. Madison Area Jugglers host Madfest every year, with the big show at the Barrymore being the peak experience of the whole weekend. Come one, come all!